This post was updated on 27/02/23

Are you struggling to carve out time for you in your busy day? 🧐

If you do carve out that time, do you then feel guilty? 🤦‍♀️

Are you the last one on your list? 📝

And so sometimes time runs out and you never get to you? ⏱

I understand that you sometimes want to throw in the towel. and you are probably simply feeling overwhelmed 😪 That’s before all the additional pressures at the moment. 

You might get stuck for ideas or inspiration 💡

You’ve downloaded freebies and heard what other people are doing and decided that now is your time (after all we need self-care now more than ever.)

That’s why I’m introducing you to a SIMPLE but SUPER POWERFUL solution… 

🙋 Hands up if you are in survive mode, rather than thrive.

🙋Hands up if you haven’t got the head-space to think about making change in your life, however small

🙋 Hands up if you’re stuck for ideas but are open to understanding what works for you 

🙋Hands up if you know you could be doing more for you, but other things get in the way

🙋Hands up if you need help staying consistent with your self-care and wellbeing 

and most importantly…

🙋Hands up if you feel excited at the thought of finding a way to prioritise you EVERY SINGLE WEEK  


Reflect and Glow

When you join Reflect and Glow, you’ll get the tools you need to transform your self-care practice 

  • be able to discover what actions you need to take to start feeling better 
  • be focused on what to do for you each day
  • feel motivated to take action 
  • get ongoing tips to improve your self-care, therefore how you feel 
  • be more balanced and less overwhelmed 

Why Accountability Coaching?

  1. Writing down your intentions and telling someone about them, helps you to keep to your commitments.
  2. You have someone checking in with you each week, wanting to know what you’ve done.
  3. You get advice and friendly feedback from a coach
  4. When you invest in yourself, its easier to stay focused to achieve your goals.
  5. It can be the difference between dreaming and taking action

What’s Included?

Reflect and Glow is the programme I wish I had when I was experiencing all of the above, which offers:

⚡️weekly coaching email-to reflect, learn and grow through your self-care journey

⚡️A written record of your progress, to see how far you’ve come. 👩‍💻

⚡Monthly live coaching workshop – to celebrate, reflect and plan 🥳

⚡Lifetime Access to the recorded Zoom trainings – so you can watch again or even catch up later if you can’t be there 💻

⚡A beautifully designed workbook – to journal your reflections and goals 📝

Join Today!

First 3 months (90 days) FREE

then £15 billed monthly





£15 per month

£10 per month

£15 billed monthly

£120 billed annually

When you click the ‘Join’ button, you’ll be taken to a secure page where you can enter your payment details and check your subscription details before completing your sign up!

Once you sign up, you’ll receive an email confirmation of your subscription. You’ll also receive a welcome message with further details on the next steps. 

I can’t wait to help you with your self-care

Tina x 

Mindset and Wellbeing Coach

Tina Russell is a Mindset and Wellbeing Coach who helps busy women to calm the chaos in their mind and life, prioritise themselves and shine in all they choose to do.

After years of not valuing herself and being a perfectionist, Tina suffered from anxiety and exhaustion and knew something had to change. She set about retraining her brain and getting her shine back, making self-care and self-development her passions.

Now happier in her life, Tina uses her coaching and influencing skills from her corporate HR career, and years of experience in making positive changes to her life, to inspire and motivate other women to do the same.



Most frequent questions and answers

There’s a monthly goal setting workshop to set you off on the right track, based on what you currently need. Then once a week you will receive a coaching email from me, with three questions to help you review and plan your self-care. All this for just £15 per month


Yes that’s the beauty of it. The programme itself doesn’t take up much time, as little as 15 minutes a week. The magic happens when you put into practice what you say you will, which only needs to be a few minutes a day

It’s an ongoing thing and that way if it works for you, you can continue with it and get even more results. Or if want for set time you can cancel when you want. Obviously, I hope you don’t want to cancel of course, but it’s like any subscription that you could.

First 3 months (90 days) FREE

then £15 billed monthly

Join Today!





£15 per month

£10 per month

£15 billed monthly

£120 billed annually