Showing 8 Result(s)

Self-Care vs Self-Love: The Simple Guide

One way we get self-love wrong is that we equate it with self-care. The two are intertwined but not the same thing. You could carry out lots of self-care but that doesn’t always mean you feel better about yourself. That’s because although self-love involves self-care, not all self-care leads us towards self-love. So what are the differences and similarities and do you need both? 

How to Take Control and Grow in Confidence

This post was updated on 07/01/20Have you seen what’s on the blog so far this month? There’s a blog post on 7 signs you need a confidence boost and a free checklist with 10 ways to boost your confidence and How to Start your Day with More Confidence – also with a free checklist. So …

September Self-Care

Every month I plan for the my wellbeing for the following month. Well every month but this month. Confession time, I didn’t do my wellbeing review on the last Wednesday of August. I didn’t do it last week either and worst of all, I’m only writing this now. So what’s been going on?