Showing 9 Result(s)

Self-Care vs Self-Love: The Simple Guide

One way we get self-love wrong is that we equate it with self-care. The two are intertwined but not the same thing. You could carry out lots of self-care but that doesn’t always mean you feel better about yourself. That’s because although self-love involves self-care, not all self-care leads us towards self-love. So what are the differences and similarities and do you need both? 

How I’ve planned my wellbeing for a jubilant June

This post was updated on 13/05/21Today is my Wellbeing Wednesday! The first Wednesday of the month where I share how I’ve planned my wellbeing for the month ahead.  To read a previous post in this series, click here. and here. I am so excited for this month. I have friends visiting this weekend, then seeing other …

A new perspective on how to shine this year

This post was updated on 13/05/21Towards the end of the month, typically on the last Wednesday, I sit with no distractions and focus on my monthly goals in relation to wellbeing; I have a review and look to the month ahead to see what I might want to aim for. I think this is so …

Announcing How I’ve Improved my Wellbeing Review

This post was updated on 13/05/21I love how successful the #3forMe Challenge Facebook group has been throughout December. It was great to see so many people getting involved and looking after their health. After the first few days of the challenge, it got me thinking about the wellbeing review and plan I do once a …