Showing 6 Result(s)

My way to wellbeing through daily greatness

It’s taken me a little while to write my Wellbeing Wednesday post. I felt “out of sorts” in July. Progress with wellbeing and fitness goals was slow. Can I blame the heat? Well partly, because it has increased my fatigue and thrown out our daily routine. July was a successful month in many other ways, but …

May’s Update on my Wellbeing

This post was updated on 13/05/21This monthly series is just a little late unfortunately. I had a virus at the end of April, beginning of May which really threw me out. This month is an amended version of the usual style of blog post. It is more of an update style. Welcome to my world!

How my Wellbeing Review Made Me Emotional

This post was updated on 13/05/21Today is my Wellbeing Wednesday! The first Wednesday of the month where I share my plans for my wellbeing for the month ahead. I’ve recently set up a new format for this, you can read more about this here. Well before I delve into the categories I should mention that …

How to Feel Good in February

This post was updated on 13/05/21Towards the end of the month, typically on the last Wednesday, I sit with no distractions and focus on my monthly goals in relation to well-being; I have a review and look to the month ahead to see what I might want to aim for. I think this is so …
