This post was updated on 13/05/21
Today is my Wellbeing Wednesday! The first Wednesday of the month where I share my plans for my wellbeing for the month ahead. I’ve recently set up a new format for this, you can read more about this here.
Well before I delve into the categories I should mention that I have set a challenge for March. #3forMe March Self-Care Challenge is about carrying out 3 self-care activities every day. It is too easy to get caught up in the day to day and not spend time looking after your mind, body and soul. This challenge keeps me accountable to do just that.
I am so excited that a number of people are also taking part in both Shine in Self-Care Facebook group and Instagram. I am on a mission to get as many people taking care of themselves more. If you would like to get involved, click on either link above.
Otherwise read on to see what March wellbeing looks like for me.
So looking at each of the categories I’ve set, here’s my wellbeing update and goals.
Staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Read for learning, read for pleasure. Self-awareness and self-reflection.
I am really enjoying having more time to read, which has always been something I’ve enjoyed doing. In my last blog post in this series, I mentioned that I was going to read Letters from Lighthouse Cottage by Ali McNamara (2016-07-14) and then I’d have read all Ali McNamara’s books. Well mission accomplished! I am now reading My Not So Perfect Life: A Novel
Actually I’ve nearly finished it and the book review is already in draft-spoiler alert: the book is well worth a read!
I am not boasting or anything-but I’ve also finished another book in this time-A Simple Favour: An edge-of-your-seat thriller with a chilling twist. When her best friend, Emily, asks Stephanie to pick up her son from school she happily says yes. The trouble is that Emily doesn’t come back. This book is full of twists and turns and although it a little different my usual book, I wanted to read on to see what happens.
Next on my the list is Tell Me Something by Adele Parks. Have you read this?
So also in relation to Mind, I signed up for a coaching course Mindset March run by A Happy Mind I have had one session so far and I cannot praise Sam enough. I may have cried! In a good way, of course. It is too early to give too much more of an update as the course runs through March. However I can recommend the A Happy Mind podcast, available on iTunes or Soundcloud. Sam speaks with such passion and enthusiasm and her tips and techniques for dealing with anxiety are simple practical and I can’t wait to start using them.
Physical Body
Eat healthy well-balanced meals, drinking plenty of water, exercise, get enough sleep and avoiding harmful habits
Hmm avoiding harmful habits…right well I have let my sugar intake creep up recently. I am writing this intention here so that I am accountable.
Sweet, sugary treats will be limited to twice a week. All other snacks will be fruit, (maybe a little cheese), nuts or Greek yoghurt.
I tend to crave sugary foods when I am tired. I may not be able to completely control this, but to reduce tiredness I am going to;
- Drink at least 2 litres of water a day
- Not overload my day
- Keep to a healthy morning and evening/night routine. More on this later.
Please feel free to ask me about this throughout March-that will force me to stick to it!
I am determined to get back into exercise but I do find it a difficult task to do with my health condition. However I know that once it is a regular habit I will feel better. It is about adding it gradually, listening to my body and otherwise looking after my health so increases the chances of coping with exercise. My husband also wants to get back into going to the gym so we’ve agreed that we’re both going to go next week. We have a plan!
The ability to understand the beliefs and values that guide your life. Having a sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose.
Working as blogger and inspiring others is giving me a real sense of purpose. I am receiving positive comments on blog posts, with readers sharing which is a massive compliment. I also recently received a comment in Shine in Self-Care Facebook group which really spurred me on, saying;
“I’ve been feeling bit low and tired this week so tonight I looked after me… and thanks to this group I don’t feel guilty for looking after me”
Just this sentence alone makes me feel so proud of what I’m doing and so pleased I started. I can’t tell you how many times I felt I shouldn’t be spending time on me. I’ve learnt that not only is it okay but is essential and now I’m inspiring others. So pleased. I cried tears of joy! Have you worked out that I’m an emotional person?!
The relationships we have and how we interact with others. Being socially engaged, have a strong social network
My husband is spending more time working away and I don’t go out and about much, partly because I’m busy working. So this morning I decided to set myself a new goal; to have contact with a friend every day-even if it a simple text to say hello. I’m looking forward to this one.
Taking care of your global environment and your physical surroundings. De-cluttering a room, recycling rubbish and selling or donating items that no longer serve you, can all help your health.
Oh my goodness I am so excited to show you my new office! It look so different! I am not going to say too much about it now, because I am writing a blog post on it. I’ll just say for now that it is clutter-free and just lovely! So the room has been de-cluttered-tick. HOWEVER…if I’m honest there are things that I took out of the office that are currently “living” on the landing. Some of it will be going back in the office but a lot of it needs to just go. It is likely a lot this is paperwork to file or shred. This is work in progress! What has been arranged though is the unwanted furniture is being picked up by a charity on Friday-roll on Friday!
I would love to hear your plans for the month ahead. How will you ensure you look after your wellbeing? Comment below or contact me on social media.