This post was updated on 27/02/23

Today is my Well-being Wednesday! The first Wednesday of the month where I share my plans for my well-being and self-care for the month ahead. I’ve recently set up a new format for this, you can read more about this here.

Before we get into the details, I would like to tell you about something else. I am on a mission to inspire and encourage people to take care of themselves and invest in self-care. To get involved, request to join my Facebook group, Shine in Self-Care and follow me on Instagram-tinasimplyshine

So looking at each of the categories I’ve set, here’s my wellbeing update and goals.


Staying curious and engaged in learning new things. Read for learning, read for pleasure. Self-awareness and self-reflection.

 SS mind

My goal for April is to read more of The Self-Love Affair: A Woman’s Guide To A Daring & Mighty Life

Katie Phillips also runs weekly classes on her Facebook page, which is focused on one chapter a week. I started joining the classes before I had the book, so now I would like to go back to the beginning and really go through the process.

I am really enjoying having more time to read, which has always been something I’ve enjoyed doing. As I mentioned in my previous update, Tell Me Something by Adele Parks in my read for April.

In March, I took part in a course called Mindset March run by A Happy Mind. Samantha Hearne is a Mindset and Anxiety Coach and her passion and enthusiasm for development is infectious. I can recommend the A Happy Mind podcast, available on iTunes or Soundcloud. Sam’s tips and techniques are simple practical and make such a difference to my mindset.

Physical Body

Eat healthy well-balanced meals, drinking plenty of water, exercise, get enough sleep and avoiding harmful habits

SS body

Hmm avoiding harmful habits…right well I have let my sugar intake creep up recently. My diet was better last month, but perhaps not quite how it should be. But these things can sometimes take time and that’s fine. I will be continuing to work on this throughout April and really will be an ongoing goal.

As I am writing this, I have my trusty water bottle by my side. Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day will also continue to be a goal.

I am determined to get back into exercise but I do find it a difficult task to do with my health condition. (Can read more about that here). However I know that once it is a regular habit I will feel better. It is about adding it gradually, listening to my body and otherwise looking after my health so increases the chances of coping with exercise. In theory!

This starts today. I completed a Blogilates class on YouTube this morning and later I’m booked on a HIIT class at the gym-wish me luck!


The ability to understand the beliefs and values that guide your life. Having a sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose.

Working as blogger and inspiring others is giving me a real sense of purpose. I am receiving positive comments on blog posts, with readers sharing which is a massive compliment. I am also receiving so much back from running Shine in Self-Care. I can’t tell you how many times I felt I shouldn’t be spending time on me. I’ve learnt that not only is it okay but is essential and now I’m inspiring others.


The relationships we have and how we interact with others. Being socially engaged, have a strong social network

I’ve got lots of exciting things in April, that I’m really looking forward to; lunch with friends this Saturday, my husband’s birthday and our anniversary!


Taking care of your global environment and your physical surroundings. De-cluttering a room, recycling rubbish and selling or donating items that no longer serve you, can all help your health.

In the month of April-there will be two large bags of clothes, bedding, handbags etc going to a charity shop. These things no longer serve me and I’ll feel so much when they are out of the house.

And there is also something else…

I am also attending the Cosmopolitan Self-Made Summit 14th and 15th April.

Cosmopolitan will bring you a packed weekend of celebrity talks; speed networking sessions and interactive workshops all dedicated to empowering you to achieve your #careergoals. 

I am really looking forward to it, as it is a great networking opportunity and there will be lots to learn on building my business and my self-development too.

So there you have it; an update from me on my wellbeing. I would love to hear your plans for the month ahead. How will you ensure you look after your wellbeing? Comment below or contact me on social media.

About Tina Russell

Tina Russell is a Mindset and Wellbeing Blogger and Coach who helps busy women to calm the chaos in their mind and life, prioritise themselves and shine in all they choose to do. After years of not valuing herself and being a perfectionist, Tina suffered from anxiety and exhaustion and knew something had to change. She set about retraining her brain and getting her shine back, making self-care and self-development her passions. Now happier in her life, Tina uses her coaching and influencing skills from her corporate HR career, and years of experience in making positive changes to her life, to inspire and motivate other women to do the same.

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