How to Start the New Year Afresh
It’s about clearing the clutter from last year so you can start the new year afresh. Embrace those new opportunities and make the most of the enthusiasm and motivation a new year brings.
Simply Shine helps empaths and sensitive souls go from feeling unworthy, tired, and overwhelmed to feeling calm and empowered so they can live an intentional and joyful life.
Simply Shine helps empaths and sensitive souls go from feeling unworthy, tired, and overwhelmed to feeling calm and empowered so they can live an intentional and joyful life.
It’s about clearing the clutter from last year so you can start the new year afresh. Embrace those new opportunities and make the most of the enthusiasm and motivation a new year brings.
Your mornings are a crucial time for shaping the outcome of your upcoming day. And the great news is: it’s 100% within your power to make each day a great day in the way you choose and start your day with more confidence. The most successful people know that the way you start your day …
Are you caught in the juggle of life? Moving from one responsibility to another and it just seems endless? It might be your job or business, the house, the kids, pets, other family…the list could go on. If you’re anything like me then that is just exhausting, especially if it feels never-ending. The good news …
I just love reading; I always have done. For me one of life’s greatest pleasures is to curl up with a good book or to read to learn and expand your mind. Last year I set myself the goal to read 24 books: 12 novels and 12 non-fiction. I talked about this in more detail …
This post was updated on 13/05/21