Showing 22 Result(s)

5 Reasons to Reframe Busy

How do you feel about the phrase busy? Being busy? Or even better “too busy” or “so busy”? It’s become so much the norm. Someone asks how you are and it is so normal to reply with “yes I’m so busy.”  Do you wear being so busy almost like a badge of honour? We all have times …

Discover the Proven Solution to the Juggle of Life

Are you caught in the juggle of life? Moving from one responsibility to another and it just seems endless? It might be your job or business, the house, the kids, pets, other family…the list could go on. If you’re anything like me then that is just exhausting, especially if it feels never-ending. The good news …

33 Ideas to Enjoy Life’s Simple Pleasures

It is important to have the time and mental space to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. To read for pleasure, to spend time with friends and family. To cuddle up  and watch a film. That is nothing to feel guilty about. It’s uncomfortable to think back to a time when I thought I didn’t deserve that. …


Ten Tips for a Simple Home

It’s true what they say about a tidy house, tidy mind. Research shows that having a neat, well-organised, and sparkling clean home plays an important role in mental health and general wellbeing. An untidy home can subconsciously negatively affect our wellbeing. Whereas cleaning your house alleviates the stress associated with an untidy home, plus the physical …