This post was updated on 20/12/23

So what is self-care? You’ve heard the phrase a lot, I’m sure. But what does it really mean to take care of yourself? If you don’t know how to get started, it is human nature that you might be putting it off. The world is a hectic place, especially right now. One of the best ways to cope with life is to use self-care to your advantage. It is certainly an example of being kind to yourself and it benefits your overall health.

bath salts and candles in the background

I define self-care as

any activity that you do for yourself, to nourish your mind, body or soul. It is something that makes you feel relaxed or recharged. It’s like making a deposit in your energy bank.

Looking after your mind, body and soul, even in lockdown will improve your overall health and wellbeing. It improves your mental health as well, including you realising you can control aspects of what is happening in your life right now. What’s important is creating an awareness of the importance of taking time for you, realising that it’s not scary and having a list of ideas of things that will relax or recharge you or simply give you joy.

Practicing self-care can change your life. We’re not talking spa days or endless bubble baths here. Simple tips and hacks that you can add to your daily life. There is no on size fits all for self-care. It’s about finding what is right for you. What I’ll do in this article is provide a list of ideas, for you to choose from. Pick and choose the ones that are right for you. If you don’t know, try the ones that appeal and see. Keep this list somewhere you can refer back to when you need ideas. You can then refer to the areas that you need the most

1. Intentionally schedule me time. Take out your planner and add the time in. You’ll fee good that you made time for you. (Not sure where to start with this? I’ve got something for you at the end of the article.)

2. Take a nap, with or without setting an alarm.

3. Have a break from watching the news. Watch enough to keep yourself informed and then switch it off and go and do something fun.

4. Practice meditation. It is great for calming down an anxious mind.

5. Do an online declutter. Think emails, photos, or downloads you don’t need any more.

6. Do a physical declutter. We’re spending more time at home, so it’s a great opportunity to assess whether the items in your home are still useful or beautiful.

7. Learn how to create a budget and keep track of your money. This will help you feel in control and give you a sense of achievement.

8. Do a jigsaw. I’ve seen some beautiful ones recently.

9. Use affirmations. Make what you want a reality, through the power of your thoughts.

I have a guide that can help you with this: Affirmations for a Positive Mindset you can download it and get access instantly.

10. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure. I know that always makes me feel better. Those that know me say there’s something wrong if my nails aren’t done!

11. Have a bubble bath-complete with a candle and soothing music

dressing table with flowers and make up brushes

12. Do a workout. A popular one at the moment is PE with Joe or Yoga with Adrienne.

13. Spray your favourite scent or perfume. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Every day is a special occasion.

14. Have a rejuvenating stretch. Great for relieving tension in your muscles.

15. Put on your favourite music and have a dance party in your kitchen or living room.

16. Read a fiction book for an hour.

17. Not in the mood to cook? Order a takeaway

18. Have a coffee and catch up with friends and family over Zoom or Facetime.

19.  Keep fit– go out for your exercise and enjoy the fresh air and the changing seasons. Leave your phone in your pocket, apart from taking photos.

20. Write it out-writing is great therapy.

21. Creating a nourishing morning routine

22. Create a relaxing evening routine

coffee cup with book

23. Enjoy a cuppa in peace. This is one of my favourites. Enjoy your favourite brew and sit and relax.

24. Watch a film-create a film night with popcorn and nice drinks.

25. Catch up on your favourite blog. Need some inspiration? Check out

26. Treat yourself to some dark chocolate

27. Create a home spa. I give step by step instructions for this in Mind Body and Soul Guide

28. Wear clothes that make you feel good

29. Try mindful colouring

30. Go to bed early

31. Start a gratitude practice. The more good things you see in the world, you’ll notice even more.

32. Write a list of things you are looking forward to doing once lockdown is lifted

33. Find a new podcast

If you are looking to get into self-care, because you know you should, but know you need accountability, come and join my FREE Facebook group- Shine in Self-Care

About Tina Russell

Tina Russell is a Mindset and Wellbeing Blogger and Coach who helps busy women to calm the chaos in their mind and life, prioritise themselves and shine in all they choose to do. After years of not valuing herself and being a perfectionist, Tina suffered from anxiety and exhaustion and knew something had to change. She set about retraining her brain and getting her shine back, making self-care and self-development her passions. Now happier in her life, Tina uses her coaching and influencing skills from her corporate HR career, and years of experience in making positive changes to her life, to inspire and motivate other women to do the same.


  1. These are all really good, but simple, ideas. You’d think it would be easy to take the time for these but that’s not often the case. I’m going to have a movie night today!
    ? ?

  2. […] does Tina Russell from Simply Shine with 33 self care activities you can do at home: Williams from Individually You covers how a classic style can affect your […]

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