Showing 17 Result(s)

The Complete Guide to Self-Care for your Soul

Self-care has become a buzzword in recent years, and for a good reason. With the increasing pressure and stress of modern life, taking care of ourselves is crucial to maintaining good mental and physical health. However there is another area of self-care that you might not think about; self-care for your soul. This is the most personal aspect of wellbeing. It is about living a life with meaning and purpose. It is about getting in touch with your values and what really matters to you, so you can live intentionally.

Self-Care vs Self-Love: The Simple Guide

One way we get self-love wrong is that we equate it with self-care. The two are intertwined but not the same thing. You could carry out lots of self-care but that doesn’t always mean you feel better about yourself. That’s because although self-love involves self-care, not all self-care leads us towards self-love. So what are the differences and similarities and do you need both? 

How to Stop the Juggle: A Step by Step Guide.

Are you caught in the juggle of life? Moving from one responsibility to another and it just seems endless? It might be your job or business, the house, the kids, pets, other family…the list could go on. If you’re anything like me then that is just exhausting, especially if it feels never-ending. The good news …


Ten Tips for a Simple Home

It’s true what they say about a tidy house, tidy mind. Research shows that having a neat, well-organised, and sparkling clean home plays an important role in mental health and general wellbeing. An untidy home can subconsciously negatively affect our wellbeing. Whereas cleaning your house alleviates the stress associated with an untidy home, plus the physical …

Yoga and Brunch Club Cambs, Review

This post was updated on 13/05/21I was recently asked if I’d like to attend a Yoga and Brunch event that was being held locally. I was quite excited because I had no idea something like that existed in my home town. The Yoga and Brunch Club is a great way to meet like-minded people. The …

How to Take Control and Grow in Confidence

This post was updated on 07/01/20Have you seen what’s on the blog so far this month? There’s a blog post on 7 signs you need a confidence boost and a free checklist with 10 ways to boost your confidence and How to Start your Day with More Confidence – also with a free checklist. So …