It is important to have the time and mental space to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. To read for pleasure, to spend time with friends and family. To cuddle up  and watch a film. That is nothing to feel guilty about. It’s uncomfortable to think back to a time when I thought I didn’t deserve that. I’m never going to feel like that again and I don’t want you to either.

Why are simple pleasures so important?

Do you feel like you keep searching for something. You’re not quite content with how your life is now. Perhaps you tell yourself that when XY or Z happens then you’ll be happy.

You’re waiting, rushing, hustling. Telling yourself you have to get X Y or Z done before you to can stop.

Living a simple life is about enjoying the here and now. Living mindfully with intention and enjoying every day sparkly things. What’s even better, is the more we become aware of every day pleasures, we’ll start noticing them more. So let’s become aware of what we could be grateful every day.

So here’s 33 ideas of how to enjoy life’s simple pleasures

So in no particular order…

1- Your first sip of coffee in the morning

Or tea, the feeling is the same. 

2- Curling up with a good book

Ultimate luxury

3- Feeling warm sand on your feet.

4- Fresh air through an open window

5- Crunching through leaves

6-  Taking a sip of your favourite drink

7- Sitting in front of a roaring fire-in Winter!

8- Sitting in a pub garden- in Summer!

9- Going for a walk and enjoying the nature

Just make sure you leave your phone in your pocket/bad apart from taking pictures.

10- Relaxing in a bubble bath

11- Treating yourself to fresh flowers


flowers enjoying life's simple pleasures


12- A home cooked meal

Even better if you don’t cook it yourself!

13- Listening to uplifting music

Maybe create a playlist, that you could put on when you need a lift. 

14-Lighting and enjoying the fragrance of a scented candle

Choose the scent depending on the time of day. I burn a candle with a zesty fragrance in the morning and then something more relaxing in the evening.  

15- An afternoon nap

Just remember to set an alarm if you have something specific planned for afterwards! 

16- Watching a comedy and having a good laugh

Recommendations always welcome

17- A good hair day

18- Your favourite perfume

Wear it whenever you feel like it, rather than saving for best. Every day is a special occasion. 

19- Clean bed sheets

20- The smell of freshly cut grass

21- Feeling of the sun on your face



enjoying life's simple pleasures


23-Sleeping in on your day off

Knowing you don’t need to set an alarm

24-The smell of fresh washing

25-Indulging in a small treat

26- Write a letter

27- An empty inbox

28- The sound of waves on the beach

there’s something so therapeutic about being by the sea. 

29- Starting a new notebook

30- Enjoy screen-free time

31- Have a picnic

32- Checking something off your to do list. 

Do you ever write something on you to do list, just so you can do this? 

33- Making someone else smile. 

So there’s my list of 33 ideas, I hope this has given you some inspiration. I’d love to hear from you in comments, what’s your favourite simple pleasure?



You know what to do, but maybe you can’t seem to do it. But you know what, you can slow down, take and breath, ditch the drama. You can focus on what’s important to you, living a life you love.

Download this PDF for 7 ways to mentally press pause and start today.

About Tina Russell

Tina Russell is a Mindset and Wellbeing Blogger and Coach who helps busy women to calm the chaos in their mind and life, prioritise themselves and shine in all they choose to do. After years of not valuing herself and being a perfectionist, Tina suffered from anxiety and exhaustion and knew something had to change. She set about retraining her brain and getting her shine back, making self-care and self-development her passions. Now happier in her life, Tina uses her coaching and influencing skills from her corporate HR career, and years of experience in making positive changes to her life, to inspire and motivate other women to do the same.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for this list, Tina! I am a great fan of scented wax candles and I also like to listen to soft soothing instrumental guitar or piano. It’s also nice to listen to audiobooks on Audible. Lately, I’ve been enjoying fictional books that don’t rack my brain too much. I also like the sound of rain falling, crickets, or birds chirping. Also, sleep stories are a bit hit for me in the evening. Thanks for the list. I’m going to go out to a patio to eat before summer is gone. That is one I don’t do often enough. Thanks!

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