Showing 22 Result(s)

Learn To Focus On Quality Not Quantity

This post was updated on 13/05/21Part of living simply is about bringing everything back to the basics. The tendency is to overspend and get too many things in life because they are cheap or you’re are concerned things will run out. This leads to more items in our homes or life generally. More clutter can …

How To Simplify Your Finances To Reduce Stress

This post was updated on 13/05/21ne of the biggest hindrances to living the simple life, for many people, is their finances. From being in debt to never knowing when your bills are due, there are a lot of financial issues that can leave you feeling stressed and keep your life more complicated than it really …

ways to be kind

33 Simple Ways to Be Kind

This post was updated on 12/11/22Did you know that kindness is contagious? One study found that people are more likely to perform feats of generosity after observing others do the same. This effect can ripple throughout the community, inspiring dozens of individuals to make a difference. According to Psychology Today, ‘Kindness means a behavioural response …

Simple Holiday by the Sea, in Rock, Cornwall

This post was updated on 13/05/21I am currently spending the most glorious week in Rock, Cornwall. So much so I decided to change the subject of today’s post, so that I can tell you about this instead. Rock is a coastal fishing village in Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. It is opposite Padstow on the north-east bank …

Enjoy Life’s Simple Pleasures

This post was updated on 16/05/21This is the final post in a series on How to Live Simply to Shine in Life. You can read the second post in the series here-Ten Tips for a Simple Home. This post will focus on enjoying life’s simple pleasures. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression Happiness is not a destination. …

Simple Meals for a Simple Life

This post was updated on 13/05/21Do you love cooking or get stressed by it? Deciding what to cook for dinner can feel like another thing to do on your already long to do list. I know when I have a lot on my mind, its not something I want to think about. However keeping your …
