Showing 47 Result(s)

33 Ways to Look After your Mental Health

Everyone needs to look after their mental health. Everyone. In these challenging times, it’s even more important. In this blog post, you’ll find 33 ways to look after your mental health, for difficult times or whenever you need a boost. They are not in any categories and certainly not in priority order. So make yourself …

5 Proven Ways to Start Living a Healthy Lifestyle

This post was updated on 13/05/21After a year where a number of us have spent more time at home and probably being more sedentary, your thoughts might not be about moving to a healthier lifestyle quite yet. However when it comes to New Year, many of us will be looking to implement healthier practices within …

15 Wellbeing Tips to Survive Christmas 2020

15 Wellbeing Tips to Survive Christmas 2020

Quite often the festive period is filed with hustle and bustle. Your to do list gets longer and there’s more to think about. You are likely to be doing more, eating more and sleeping less. This year things are more complicated, due to the pandemic. Maybe you’ve felt things have been put on hold. I …

33 Self-Care Activities You Can Do at Home (Even in Lockdown)

But what does it really mean to take care of yourself? If you don’t know how to get started, it is human nature that you might be putting it off. The world is a hectic place, especially right now. One of the best ways to cope with life is to use self-care to your advantage. It is certainly an example of being kind to yourself and it benefits your overall health.

Confessions of a Wellbeing Warrior

It’s a different style of blog post from me today; more of a personal blog post reflecting on my morning. My blog posts aren’t usually of this style these days. But this morning I had feelings I needed to process and I thought I’d share my confessions with you.

15 Ways to Practice More Self-Love

Self-love is about cultivating gratitude and acceptance towards yourself, physically and emotionally. Loving yourself unapologetically, feeling proud and confident. It’s how you feel better about yourself and accept your flaws. Above all things, Self-love is believing in yourself and all you are capable of. There are ways to practice self-love.
