The idea of a morning routine probably isn’t new to you. There’s a lot of talk or morning routines and why they are so crucial and can shape your entire day. I know if I don’t follow mine for some reason, I can be thrown for the rest of the day. I can feel stressed, anxious and just overwhelmed. Can you relate to this?

I love the quote from Louise Hay.

“How you start your day is how you live your day and how you live your day is how you live your life”

So how do you want to live your life; in a rush or flustered? Or intentionally design a day that helps you be happy and productive. Living a life that you love. Today I want to specifically talk about your morning routine.

(Next week it’s evening routine, and the link’s here)  and I’ll link to it then).

I thought about the best way to bring you ideas on morning routines. I started research and note-writing. But the truth is, this is an area that fascinates me and I have been researching it on and off for a while for my morning routine. So today I’m bringing you the 7 habits that make up my morning routine. They work for me and they might inspire you too.

The Habits in My Morning Routine


7 habits in my morning routine

Headspace defines meditation as this:

“It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgement. And eventually you may start to better understand them as well.

There are many forms of mediation practice, but it doesn’t need to be complicated; you know me I’m all about keeping things simple! The Headspace website is a great resource that talks through 16 different types and styles of meditation, if so you would like to know more, this is a great place to visit.

I use a guided meditation, as it helps keep me focused and I like choosing one based on what I need that day. I make sure I am warm enough, often light a candle and sit comfortably where I won’t be disturbed.


Next I make a coffee in my cup of sunshine mug, (it has to be this mug) and I open my journal. Sometimes I free write; take a breath and write whatever I need to clear from my mind, -some people call this morning pages. Other times I use a journal with prompts, such as this one. Writing in a journal after mediation is a great way to go through any thoughts that arose through the practice.

Journal prompts for your journaling habit.

There are so many apps now for journaling and of course there’s the notes section on our phone. My advice would be to leave this for jotting down a quick note when you’re out and about. There is something magical about putting pen to paper. Writing things out on paper, further sinks into your subconscious and helps you to accept it more as reality. Plus when you write something out it takes longer, so you have longer to process your thoughts



This is reading for inspiration and self-development. Something that will fire you up for the day and fill your heart and soul with “you can do this”.

I love actual books for this part of my routine, but it could also be an audio book, podcast or watching an inspirational video on Youtube. Just make sure it relates to your goals and you keep an eye on the time!

Actually I’m going to start bring you more content on reading for self-development, including my #bookofthemonth look out for that starting soon.


Exercise or Stretch


OK, I admit this (the exercise) habit has slipped a little recently and I’m holding myself accountable and saying as of next week it is back into my routine. I do stretch when I wake up. Sometimes due to my neurological condition, I can wake up feeling quite sore and stiff! So some gentle stretches really help with this. Stretching in the morning, helps kick start your energy levels and improves circulation. The NHS website has a 5 minute wake up workout.


Shower and Get Ready for the Day

Even if you are staying at home all day this is still an important habit. Getting dressed in the morning gets your day going and I do believe it can help shape your day. What you wear could either boost your mood or bring it down. Dress in something you feel confident in and that alone will give you motivation for the day ahead. Include jewellery, a little make up and perfume in this too, why not?!

Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

A crucial part of anyone’s morning routine, is a good nutritious breakfast. It is really quick and easy to grab a couple of pieces of toast and occasionally that’s fine. However on a more regular basis, I aim for something with more nutrients. My current favourite is a Green Thickie– A green smoothie with an extra filler so that it is a whole meal. There are 20 examples of fillers you can add to your smoothies, depending on taste and your diet. They also include a portion of seeds or nuts for omega 3. They also of course of greens to provide you with a burst of energy for your morning.

Try Green Thickies for 7 days, dramatically improve your health and gain energy naturally.

Review calendar and set intentions for the day

The final of my 7 habits in my morning routine is to review my calendar and set my intentions for the day. At the weekend, I quite often do this with my husband as its important that we are on the same page. I really do find, that daily planning is crucial to a calm mind and life. You might have already set out a weekly plan, but check in with that daily, to make sure you are still on track and prioritising the right things for you. 

I quite often see posts on social media, asking if you use a calendar or a paper planner. Well my answer is both! I have (several) Google calendars, which is really useful for blocking out time for recurring tasks and because I share one calendar with my husband Gareth. I’m sure how I use Google Calendar could be a blog post in itself, let me know if you’d me to make that happen. However I also love having a paper planner. There’s something magical about putting pen to paper for your daily plans, notes and even doodles. I’ve already ordered my 2022 planner and I can’t wait to see if its one that works for me. No doubt I’ll share on my Instagram stories. 

So there you go, my 7 habits in my morning routine. They inspire me and they might just inspire you too. How do you start your day? Let’s share notes in the comments.

If you are also fascinated by routines and living your life with intention, I would love to invite you to my FREE training that’s happening 12-14th October. Let’s see if you answer yes to these…

?Your days seem jam-packed from the minute you wake up?
?You react to the needs of others when they ask but not sure where that allows time for you?
?Sometimes you don’t even know where the day goes?

I used to be able to say yes to all of those, but I learnt that something needed to change.

I created a method to feel in control of my days and began to turn my life around. If you’ve answered yes, I know I could help you. Are you in? CLICK HERE for the link. 

About Tina Russell

Tina Russell is a Mindset and Wellbeing Blogger and Coach who helps busy women to calm the chaos in their mind and life, prioritise themselves and shine in all they choose to do. After years of not valuing herself and being a perfectionist, Tina suffered from anxiety and exhaustion and knew something had to change. She set about retraining her brain and getting her shine back, making self-care and self-development her passions. Now happier in her life, Tina uses her coaching and influencing skills from her corporate HR career, and years of experience in making positive changes to her life, to inspire and motivate other women to do the same.


  1. […] Create rituals that promote calm. Is there anything worse than rushing through the day and not having a minute to yourself? Instil calm from the beginning of the day with your morning routine. […]

  2. […] on habits and routine. I’ve talked about why having a routine is crucial, my last post was on morning routine. So today let’s look at the evening routine. By evening routine, I don’t just mean the time […]

  3. […] How you start your day is how you live your day. Do you want to feel rushed and frantic or calm and intentional; choose wisely. You can read more here […]

  4. […] recently written a morning routine blog post, which you can read here. In it I include the Louise Hay […]

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